Spring has Sprung - 2022!

Over the weekend many celebrated the beginning of Aries season and the 2022 Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. Yes, it’s officially the beginning of Spring! Stop, feel the subtle change in the air, remember to smell the flowers. Walk your dog, walk yourself. Check and see the books to see what fruits and vegetables will be in season and make sure there is color on your plate! Why is any of this important to being a quality TransPerfect Freelance Expert? You’re the best you when you are taking care of yourself.
Healthy meals
Fresh Air
Positive social interaction
All important to engage in during a work break or before/after the workday. Let’s make 2022 the year of actual work-life balance!
So acknowledge the season, be on fire for wellness!
Every year TransPerfect has been able to consistently offer more work, be more tech advanced, and connect with more clients. We boast to current and potential client base that the freelancers we collaborate with are well-rounded individuals who bring their best selves to the table. We also encourage you to bring your best linguistic friends if they are interested in starting their collaboration journey with TransPerfect today!
For more wellness content see one of our most popular blogs from 2020!
Enjoy the slightly warmer weather and amazing sunsets!